Along the world’s coastlines, water touches everything, and everything touches the water.

Living at this vital edge means we can take advantage of the vast array of connections water affords, but we also have to think about its power, and its delicacy.

But the influence of water doesn’t stop when the wave recedes down the sand. Its impact is felt far inland, and what we do upstream affects the ocean.

What Tidal Life Offers You

Tidal Life is the online home of writer Nancy Bartlett and her novels of adventure, both on and off the water.

It’s also a showcase of the fun, and drama of water, wind, mud, sand, boats, and creatures, the flow and flux of this fluid, often squishy environment.

You’ll find stories of travel and travail that you can laugh at and learn from. You’ll also find shoreline issues, marine information and water-centric how-to’s. If you like oddball asides, seafood recipes and philosophical rants, those are here too.

Why Tidal Life

The Tidal Life blog began as an adjunct to Tidal Life, the environmental science column, which appeared monthly in The South Whidbey Record from Spring 2008 to Spring 2011. The blog took over and continues to address the many facets of living well at the waterfront with a conscience. Living well, as defined here, depends not on luxury and ease, but on care of everything around us – family, friends, creatures, resources, the land and the sea.

Very much like the tide, the blog has been through some changes. Beginning with an environmental focus, it has morphed into a travel blog, then taken on a liveaboard angle. Recently the topic of cooking aboard boats has been added. And now a focus on books of all kinds, but particularly fiction and writing. No doubt the site will continue to evolve as time goes on.

The name Tidal Life is intentionally open ended. All the meanings and connotations of tides and life are welcome here – from the creatures that live within the tidal zone, to the life we humans build beside the water, to the ever changing nature of existence.

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