Surfing Lessons – Mexico vs Hawaii

Once upon a time, in a charming little Baja town called Erendira, I had a surfing lesson. My instructor was a cocky and charismatic Australian surf bum who was involved with my (too young) daughter in a Christmas break romance.
I liked Adam, though I didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. He had the gift of gab, was party boy central, and spent New Year’s Eve tempting the crowd of surfers at Coyote Cal’s hostel to try Aussie Shots and the Australian Piss Injector.
You don’t want to know.
It probably wasn’t the next day that he tried to teach me to surf. Let’s say it was two days later.
Adam wound up with a cut knee and a sliced wetsuit. I have no idea how I did it. Ninja Mom moves I guess. Needless to say, I’m still a body surfer (love body surfing) and have not yet managed to stand up on a board.
BUT along comes my friend Kim, (newly minted at #Tbex) who writes the fabulous blog at, with a video on learning how to surf. It looks so easy! I’ve been wanting to go to Hawaii again. Now I really want to go, and take a real lesson. And not hurt the poor instructor’s knee.
Adam, wherever you are, I raise my glass to you. That was some fun week, mate.
And I’m sorry about the damage.
Image borrowed from Coyote Cal’s website.
I like the video. Makes me want to try surfing again, too — in warm water — not on Whidbey. But I wasn’t any good in my teens. It was tough paddling out and standing up wasn’t easy either. Something tells me a 40-year hiatus wouldn’t help matters much.