Other Water Fronts
Just returned from a wedding in California where we visited three kinds of water, not to worry about it, or tell people what to do with it, or pontificate about it, but just to do the best things possible with it:
Just returned from a wedding in California where we visited three kinds of water, not to worry about it, or tell people what to do with it, or pontificate about it, but just to do the best things possible with it:
As I was driving home from work tonight a strand of frothy cloud stretched the length of Whidbey Island. At either end it joined into a massive cloud bank. Watching these clouds I flashed back to another atmospheric display over Stonehenge last month. A rainstorm had chased us all the way from Montacute to Stonehenge….
The following is a guest post. The author is my past self. In many ways this essay was the first Tidal Life post, though years passed between writing it and beginning to publish this blog. I share it now because in it I wrote about my hope for the future – and the future has…
My anxiety mirrored the wind, a constant vigilance, accompanied by gusts of reaction to every stimulus. I worried about hurricanes, dragging anchor, the relentless wind, high waves pinning us in port, squalls, running out of water, running out of food, not being able to sleep. I had to work on the vital skill of letting the days go by.
Buy a Boat and Travel That’s the dream of the cruising life. In reality, there is one more step. No boat, no matter how new, or how well equipped, is ready for sea on the day you buy her. So it’s more like buy a boat, make her yours, and travel. We worked on Domino…
Preparing for catastrophe The wind took down another tree yesterday, a wild cherry from the little grove at the edge of the road. We came home to find it all cut up in firewood size lengths. Presumably by someone who needed to drive up the road. Hope nobody’s car got squished this time. As my…
One year ago today Tom and I declared our personal Independence Day, cast off the dock lines and headed out to cruise aboard Sunshine, our 32 foot Freedom. Since that day we’ve sailed to every state on the east coast of the U.S.