Giant Steps: Changes, opportunities and swoon-inducing plans (Ireland!)

Image of stones at the Giant's Causeway


The world has become my oyster. I’m no longer officially associated with The South Whidbey Record, so I’ve been quietly noodling around behind the scenes with a new theme/look/slant/topics for Tidal Life.

My first big, official change was a foray down the southern Washington coast. I left home with ideas for several articles to write. And I gathered notes and took pictures for all those and a few more. Unfortunately, the photos from that trip got vaporized in the crash of my computer a few days after we returned.

That took the wind out of my sails and Tidal Life has been adrift in the doldrums for a couple of months.


As things are just getting going again, don’t expect huge changes tomorrow. I’m not even sure yet what exactly will be changing. The plans I have in place now include:

  • Switching to a more robust framework/theme (Genesis)
  • Working categories into the layout
  • Setting up some advertising – I’m tip-toeing into this
  • Going further afield, with more travel content (See big news below!)
  • Creating some products i.e. helpful e-books or guides about waterfront related things. I already have three little books available on Amazon. One is about Italy, one about food, and the third about home and family. All are heavy on the humor.
  • Doing far more SEO and social media work.

The big plans

I’ve got a lot to do in the next few weeks because if current plans hold, during the first couple of weeks in October I’ll be flying off to The Netherlands, riding trains through England and then taking the ferry to Ireland!

!!! The Giant’s Causeway !!! This is bucket list stuff !!!

Think I’ll be storing copies of my pictures in the cloud this time.

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