Celebrate Spunky Old Broads Month With Iris Winterbek

For quite a while now, I’ve had a plan for a new adventure. I just didn’t know for sure when it would happen.
And then I learned that –
February is National Spunky Old Broads Month
– and that changed everything.
I had a story about a spunky old broad almost ready to launch, now here was the perfect springboard.
So today is the beginning. In honor of Spunky Old Broads Month, I’m releasing Iris Winterbek into the world to wreak her havoc.
Who Is Iris Winterbek?
Iris is the world’s most unexpected action hero. At 78 years old, she’s a little prickly and set in her ways. But when the world needs her, she’s spunky enough to take on the role of heroine in three comic action adventure novels.
Iris is not always spunky. Mostly what she wants to do is sit in a comfy chair and enjoy another caramel macchiato. But life doesn’t always arrange itself for comfort, and Iris keeps getting caught up in situations that bring out her feisty side.
The first book, Iris Incensed is available now in e-book and paperback on Amazon.com, along with the second installment, Iris All-In and the third, Iris Everafter.
Here’s To Adventure!
This starts my new adventure in publishing novels.
I may have mentioned recently that I like adventure.
Did you miss where I said that, in post after post?
Well then your reading adventure is just beginning!
Adventures in boats, and adventures on the beach, adventures of travel, self-reliance, and interactions with other species fill these pages. Behind the scenes, I’ve secretly also been enjoying the adventure of inventing fictional people and getting them tangled in chaotic situations. Iris Incensed is the first of many such stories.
To be honest. This adventure scares me more than most. I’d rather face rough seas, stinging jelly fish, and alligators. But if Iris can do it, then I can do it. Though I am not ready for anyone to call me a spunky old broad.
Please join me on this new adventure. I hope you enjoy watching Iris tackle hers!