How to appreciate a species: Mesmerizing murmuration of starlings

I Love Nature

Tidal Life takes place primarily where the land meets the sea, and it’s no secret to anyone who’s visited this site before that I prefer that everyone who wants to spend some time in that zone has the chance.

A lot of  animals and birds spend time in that zone as well, and it’s a basic tenet of Tidal Life that the more wildlife in the zone, the better. Another basic tenet is that the names given to groups of creatures are fascinating. An exaltation of larks, a pride of lions, a gaggle of geese. I welcome them all.

While it’s true that animals and humans often clash when they meet up at the water, I like to think there are more people who enjoy watching wildlife go about its wild life, in groups or singly, than thugs who want to use that life for target practice.

Mike McVay, leader of a local movement to ensure that Whidbey’s publicly owned beach access points stay public, sent me a video that celebrates a sight that’s best seen over the open water. And to see it over the water you have to get to the water. I’ve seen this behavior many times, though not so dramatically as in this clip, and each time wondered at the skill and cohesion of the group. I have to admit I’ve also wondered, why?

The stars of this show happen to belong to a species that a lot of people don’t like. (Heck, name a species that somebody doesn’t like. Including the human.) But as with any group that gets in the way of our immediate self interest, there’s much to appreciate if we take a step back, sit still, and watch.

A Murmuration of Starlings

This video Murmuration  is from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

Beautiful work Sophie, thanks for taking along the video camera to catch this murmuration of starlings and thanks for sharing your video. Those lucky enough to live in the UK can purchase a DVD of the murmuration from Islands and Rivers.

And thanks Mike, for sending it along to me. I’m a fan.

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